Energy Saving Tips for Fall

As the outside temperatures go down, our thermostats start to go up. ‘Tis the season for lighting fires and snuggling under blankets as we look for ways to bring warmth and coziness into our homes.

Unfortunately, fall also ushers in increased energy bills. Here are some important tips from energy provider Eversource to help you keep your home comfortable in cooler weather without sending costs skyrocketing.
-Put a stop to drafts. Seal air leaks around windows, vents and door frames to prevent drafts and help keep heat from leaking out of your home. 
-Consider smart heating. Programmable and smart thermostats can be set to increase your home’s heat during specific times of the day. This allows you to customize heating schedules to fit your routine, such as turning up the heat an hour before you get home from work and turning it down again at your usual bedtime.
-Replace your heating and cooling system’s filter. Routinely check filters because when they’re clogged, airflow is reduced, which puts strain on your heating and cooling system. Check your filter once a month to make sure it’s not too dirty and replace as necessary.
-Seal your windows. Make sure your window locks are working properly to ensure that your windows are tighter and draft resistant.
-Keep efficiency in mind when buying new appliances. When upgrading an appliance or purchasing new electronics, look for ENERGY STAR® certified models. Doing so will lead to significant savings over the course of time.
-Adjust your refrigerator settings. Your refrigerator may be colder than it needs to be, especially in the cooler months of the year. Turning your refrigerator up a few degrees will help reduce energy bills. If your refrigerator has an energy-saving setting, be sure to switch it on.
-Check your water heater. Reduce the temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (not any higher) on your water heater.
-Light with LEDs. Use ENERGY STAR® certified LEDs for all lighting needs.
-Advanced power strips. Utilize advanced power strips and shut the power off to electronics when not in use.
-Solar power. Use the sun to your advantage by opening curtains and blinds during the day and closing them at night to reduce drafts.
-Check your fireplace damper. When the damper is open and there isn’t a fire burning, warm air can escape through the chimney, so be sure to keep it closed when not in use.

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